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[64]Name:gail / [ 2002年05月24日 (金) 17時42分 ]
Of all of the doramas that I have watched this season, this has to be one of my favourites. Kisarazu Cat's Eye is by no means your run-of-the-mill dorama and can be termed as a dark comedy. How else does one categorise a dorama that deals with death, drugs, bombs, espionage, baseball, petty thievery, growing pains, compassion towards fellow men, debauchery, angst, friendship, loyalty, sibling rivalry and sexual awakenings all in the span of approximately 9 hours?

For people who do not like their doramas messy, Kisarazu Cat's Eye is not a dorama for you. The bones of the plot unfolds more often than not in a series of flashbacks with the punchlines coming in then rather than during the course of events itself. Those who have watched Ikebukuro West Gate Park will find this style familiar although the use of flashbacks is more rampant in Kisarazu as opposed to Ikebukuro West Gate Park. The pace of the dorama is fairly fast and the revelations that come through are often quick and startling.

The baseline is that Kisarazu Cat's Eye is a corrupt tale as told from the eyes of five corrupt youths and it makes no excuses about it so if you are game for a dorama that is honest, crass, loud and in-your-face, this is the dorama for you


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