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・[3179] english : velorious

thank you for replying to me Jay =]
you are an admin of this website?
It is an amazing in depth site,
i love blaze and blade i only wish i could understand japanese =]

2009年06月08日 (月) 18時52分
・[3181] blaze : velorious

here is my site that i would like to add content from this site to:
it is in english

2009年06月08日 (月) 21時30分
・[3182] 海外でも人気なんですかねぇ : JAY


Below, use Google's translation...

Yes, I'm an administrator.
What do you want to show this website in your site?
It's OK if you do that.
Quote for the content of this site, you can use if you have expressly cited the source.

2009年06月08日 (月) 21時46分
・[3183] english : velorious

I use google translate to look at this site, sometimes it is hard to understand. I would like to use the background, also the maps for the quests please. I will write that they are all from this site, and I will also post links to this site. thank you for your time.

2009年06月08日 (月) 22時19分
・[3184] 背景はOKですよ : JAY

There is no problem to use a background.
And the links is O.K.
Others, I will reply by e-mail later.

The translation is difficult. Because I could sense the opposite...(^^;

2009年06月08日 (月) 23時20分


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