
New Dorama Reviews

SPRING SEASON April 2002 - July 2002 (under construction)

This is a personal 1/2 - 5 star-system reviews on the doramas that are being On Air in Japan right now. Please note that this is just my personal reviews which of course are colored by my taste and preference at a given time, so please do not depend too much on them nor take them too seriously. Also they are not complete synopsises and I will avoid any spoiler if I could. For further details on each dorama please check the Official HPs. For comments or questions about any of these doramas, please direct it on the Mailing List.

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Haru Ranman


Fuji TV Tuesdays 10:00 PM- 10:54 PM

Oshio Manabu, Tomosaka Rie, Henmi Emiri, Kitamura Kazuki etc.

Official HP

[6]Episode 1
Re:Haru Ranman


Official HP

[7]Episode 2
Re:Haru Ranman

This second episode is just completely hilarious! ^o^ I couldn't stop laughing from almost the beginning to the end. The scene opened with Akane (Tomosaka Rie) and Shouta (Oshio Manabu) bickering over the seat of the toilet, that Shouta should put the seat back down each time he uses the toilet but he refuses. It turns out later that his Section Chief is also having trouble with his wife over the seat of the toilet in the house. It is so funny that such a small thing can be made into such a theme. This dorama is a comedy yes, so if you want to have a good laugh, this is it! Tomosaka herself is very comical, and I didn't know that Oshio can act so funny as usually he acts as a cool guy. It is also hilarious how the two girls in the office are trying to win him.

The episode develops over Jouji (Kitamura Kazuki) who secretly brought a girl to Akane's apartment but suddenly his girlfriend came and caused panick and a lot of funny things happened when Shouta tried to cover up by going to bed with that girl instead, ending up with the girl leaving Jouji and I can guess she will start stalking or harassing Shouta in episode 3.
So funny!

When later quarelling with Jouji, Shouta twinged Akane's heart when he said that any girl becoming his girfriend will be the happiest girl in the world because he would never take a look at any other girl.

So far this is the dorama that I really enjoy (having a good time) watching the most.

Official HP

[30]Episode 3
Re: Haru ranman

under construction

[34]Episode 4
Re: Haru Ranman

Under construction

Dorama Official HP
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