
New Dorama Reviews

SPRING SEASON April 2002 - July 2002 (under construction)

This is a personal 1/2 - 5 star-system reviews on the doramas that are being On Air in Japan right now. Please note that this is just my personal reviews which of course are colored by my taste and preference at a given time, so please do not depend too much on them nor take them too seriously. Also they are not complete synopsises and I will avoid any spoiler if I could. For further details on each dorama please check the Official HPs. For comments or questions about any of these doramas, please direct it on the Mailing List.

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Golden Bowl


Kaneshiro Takeshi, Kuroki Hitomi, Enomoto Kanako, Tanaka Ritsuko etc.

[29]Episode 1
Re: Golden Bowl

In this dorama Kaneshiro Takeshi plays as Akutagawa Tsuyoshi, a 32 year-old salaryman at a trading company. His love for bowling made him stop by a Bowling Center named Golden Bowl. There he met a 38 year-old housewife Sakura Hitomi (Kuroki Hitomi) who happened to be his neighbour and who has the same passion for bowling as he is. Her love for #13 reveals that 13 is her name (Hito = 1 and mi = 3). Akutagawa also loves #13 because his girlfriend, who had died in a traffic accident, was also called Hitomi.

Meanwhile, the owner of Golden Bowl announced that he was going to sign a contract to sell the place because it was hard for him to make ends meet as bowling is not that popular anymore and hardly any customers will come to play. The person who wanted to buy the place intend to change it into a love hotel. Knowing this, the workers, helped by Akutagawa and Hitomi, fought to retain the place and persuaded the owner not to sign the contract. To prove that Golden Bowl can do well and no need to be sold to anybody, they have to beat competitors in bowling.

I love the style of Kaneshiro and Hitomi when bowling, they look so cool and sexy, and their exchanges with each other are funny and witty. Though at that time Hitomi is married and is 6 years older than Akutagawa, it is clear that it is their destiny to fall in love with each other, just as the theme song is "You Are My Destiny".

Enomoto Kanako plays as a young mother working in a nite club so she has to take her small boy to Golden Bowl while she is at work. She is in love with the Manager of the Golden Bowl.

Official HP

[31]Episode 2
Re: Golden Bowl

under construction

[43]Episode 3
Re: Golden Bowl

under construction

Dorama Official HP
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