
New Dorama Reviews

SPRING SEASON April 2002 - July 2002 (under construction)

This is a personal 1/2 - 5 star-system reviews on the doramas that are being On Air in Japan right now. Please note that this is just my personal reviews which of course are colored by my taste and preference at a given time, so please do not depend too much on them nor take them too seriously. Also they are not complete synopsises and I will avoid any spoiler if I could. For further details on each dorama please check the Official HPs. For comments or questions about any of these doramas, please direct it on the Mailing List.

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Seikei Bijin


Yonekura Ryoko, Shiina Kippei, Kato Haruhiko etc.

Official HP

[15]Episode 2
Re:Seikei Bijin

In the second episode, Honami starts to launch her "attack" on Fujishima, despite protests from her own little brother played by Kato Haruhiko, and despite the fact that Fujishima already has a fiance. She will find ways to bump into him and pretends that it was just coincidence and will try hard to cater to whatever he says. Arghhh I just can't stand this.....and to see Fujishima with his lecture on this and on that....though he has quite a sound mind and very interesting philosophy on women and life and flowers....he is getting on my nerves!! ^_^ Can't see why Honami is so smitten by such an arrogant man!

The episode ends with Honami asking to be kissed again (as she did at the end of episode 1) and this time Fujishima did kiss her! Eeeek!! Dame da kore wa!

Official HP

[26]Episode 3
Re: Seikei Bijin

As I expected, Fujishima dumped Honami! After kissing her and giving her false hopes! And said it is Honami's own fault that she harbored hopes just after one kiss and said that she is a bother to him and to get lost!
Maybe I should give this episode a two an a half just for the few seconds at the end of this episode when Honami ran after Fujishima's car, took off one of her shoes, and threw it on Fujishima's car while shouting BAGEROOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!
Hahahaha...that serves him right! But Honami is definitely at fault too for being so "cheap"!
I don't know why but this dorama made me iraira suru....(gets on my nerves). I just wish Honami can respect herself more!

[35]Episode 4
Re: Seikei Bijin

I'll stop watching this dorama.....Not interested. Now Honami wanted to do yet another plastic surgery as she thinks she is not beautiful enough to attract Fujishima!! Arghhhh!!

Dorama Official HP
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