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* January 30, 2016 (Sat) JIP International Party (New Year Special)
The Biggest and Coolest International Party in Japan!!
Over 250 people are expected!

Wanna make New friends?
Wanna find Language exchange partners?
Wanna make girl friends/boy friends?

JIP International Party (New Year Special)
Date/Time: January 30, 2016 (Saturday) 6:30-9:00pm
Location: Bar Quest (Roppongi)
Address: 5-3-1 Roppongi, Minato-ku, Tokyo (No.2 Rene Bldg. 3F)
Detail: http://www.getyourfriend.com/

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[442] Harajuku Shareroom オープンしたばかり!原宿シェアルーム MGHL - 2009/03/30(月) 10:49 - MAIL


そ れぞれの部屋に2つある2段ベッドにはカーテンで仕切られ、ルームライトも付いています。もちろんお布団付きです。台所、洗濯機、シャワーがあり、冷蔵庫 は当たり前、各部屋でテレビ、高速インターネットアクセス(無料)が使え、トイレも完備(ウォシュレット・暖房便座)。各人専用のクローゼットと鍵付きの ロッカーもありプライバシーも守れます。こんな刺激的なシェアハウスで楽しく暮らしてみませんか?

Just opened March 2009, 4 minutes from JR Harajuku Station, Yamanote Line, Takeshita exit, 4 minutes from Meiji-Jingumae Station Chiyoda Line, 12 person Share House.

Harajuku is world famous for its Parks, Temples, Shopping and the international cafes and night life scene.

Conveniently located to Shibuya, Omotesando and Aoyama (walking distance) and 4 minutes to Shinjuku by train.

The Harajuku Share house has 3 completely furnished rooms with Kitchen, Shower and Bathroom.
Each room has 2 bunk beds set up for 4 people.
A private storage locker with key is provided for each person’s possessions along with a closet for clothing.
Each room has wireless and LAN Cable free internet, a refrigerator, a free washing machine on the lanai, TV, Futon Bed Set, reading light, table and chairs.

Please contact us by email if you have questions or wish to reserve a room.

*English and Japanese are available.


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