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[234]Kokusai Friends Osaka
第7回国際フレンズ国際交流パーティー 日時:2004年3月27日(土)18:45−21:00
参加費:2,500円 (御予約) (3000円 at door) (ビール、カクテル、ソフトドリンクは全て飲み放題!! サンドイッチ、フライドチキン、ケーキなどをご用意してあります。) 3月26日までに御予約していただければ参加費を500円割引させていただきます。最初に来ていただいた20名の外国人に限り2000円とさせていただきます!
会場: Bar Isn't It? 心斎橋店 大阪市中央区心斎橋筋 1-4-31, 2F 御堂筋線の心斎橋駅の6番出口より徒歩一分。カメラナニワの隣のビルです。
詳しくは下記のHPで http://www.kokusai-friends.com/jp/home_jp.htm Email: kokusai@gol.com Tel: 080-3382-4958 ****************************************************** Kokusai Friends will organise 7th International friendship party in Osaka on Saturday, March 27. Over 150 people attened our last party. You can make new friends, find partners for language exchange, dating and other activities and have fun !! We also have a special discount campaign for foreigners. Details are as follows.
Kokusai Friends International Party Date: Saturday, March 27, 2004. Time: 6:45 pm to 9:00 pm
Price : 2,500 yen with reservation, 3000 yen at door. It includes all you can drink beer, cocktails, soft drinks and light food such as sandwiches, cakes, fried chicken etc.
To get the discount of 500 yen, please reserve on or before March 26. And, first 20 foreigners to arrive at the party will get entry for just 2,000 yen !!
Place: Bar Isn't It? Shinsaibashi branch 2F, 1-4-31 Shinsaibashi-suji, Chuo-ku, Osaka It is 1 minute on foot from Exit# 6 of Shinsaibashi station on Midosuji line. This building is next to Camera Naniwa shop.
For more details please check our website http://www.kokusai-friends.com Email : Kokusai@gol.com Tel: 080-3382-4958
2004年03月20日 (土) 14時10分
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